Sunday, 19 June 2011


Synergy – what is it? Stephen Covey defines it as ‘the ability to create more together with others than we can by ourselves – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’

For the first time I have really experienced the power of this idea of Synergy. Through the dynamics of these women there has been a desire to understand, challenge and grow into a united group that seems to be able to deal with things that as individuals they may have not. This Blog is where this Synergy can be documented.

There is NOW a place where each one of us can communicate what we feel, what we think, what makes us laugh and others can then read our posts and think and feel and smile along with it.

We have NOW become the first published authors of this blog, the start of an archive of the thoughts of the women  who each year spend 6 months together at Busselton TAFE in the NOW course.

Positive group dynamics happen because of the active involvement of every individual. Really successful groups need personalities that energise and use their skills and talents to help us. Samantha is such a personality. Without her we would not have had the beautiful design of ‘There is no better place than here and NOW’ and her Blogging prowess and willingness to give advice and help has made the whole process a lot of fun. Thanks Sam.

  As Renate says in her post: ‘how excited l get about the possibilities that await all of us. Many of us have found a direction that we didn’t have 6mths ago. It’s fabulous, really, really fabulous.’

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