merry christmas to sam/sarah/hannah/emme/jasmine/renetta/.....
stay safe..
have heaps of fun...
all is good
child is child
my cats are great and well
eat heaps of food and be good to your liver..aka dont drink to much that you end up in hospital..
hope yous are all well and happy
thinking of yous....
aka miss nic
The future hasn't happened yet and the past is gone. So I think the only moment we have is right here and now, and I try to make the best of those moments, the moments that I'm in. ~ Annie Lennox (December 25, 1954 - )
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Where have i been?!
Huge Hello Darling ladies!
Hope everyone is going great guns with
anything and everything you are trying...
What a wonder season for luxuriant growth...
this holidays has been just one full on rollacoaster!
I must admit i was a little worried about what i would be doing for the holidays,
searching for extra homework or something to keep up with the
maintaining what i had learned in the past term.
First week was taking up with Cleaning house for rent inspection, that when fine..
even if i fell sick with the killer flu on the day...out for the count!
but that's not the exciting stuff...i thought i would apply for
casual weekend work at Bunnings!
So out comes my resume and re typed to suit the job i was applying for,
as per Sarah's advise,
as per Sarah's advise,
nothing happen for a few days and then i was amazed to have an interview
in the next coming Thursday!
So as luck has it i was hit with the flu two before the interview!
so i slept as much as i could, drank as much water as i could and tried so hard to feel better.
Day of the interview i was so so nervous! OMG!
seriously took me a whole lot to walk into Bunnings.
The interview went OK, with some really full on questions about my motivations,
how i had shown initiative in the past 6 months and how i would better the business...
all of these i faced head on with optimism and a Enthusiasm to learn...
even throwing in my "Yea"! to demonstrate how i motivate myself.
After a nerve racking 30mins, i thought "ah well at least i got an interview
and tried something new", as well as show how too much play school
could really mess with a mums head :)
Next day i lost my voice from this dreaded flu...all husky and sexy for about a week! LOL
well sexy is you get turned on by Kermit the
well sexy is you get turned on by Kermit the
But two days after the interview i was blown away to recieve a phone call
saying i was giving the position! OMG!
even though i couldn't express my true "yea!" (voice gone)
I'm sure she understood my excitement :)
SO first week back at TAFE was wonderful head diving into Depreciation
and picking up and signings Bunning papers :)
When i was in signing the papers the ladies whom interviewed me wanted to
say that my interview was the first one they had, that when i left they felt energized,
As well as them adopting the "Yea!" and using it throughout the working week :)
As well as them adopting the "Yea!" and using it throughout the working week :)
How Cool!
I feel so chuffed!
Now to top it off i had to go for my driving test on Wednesday morning..EEK!
so with a bunch of butterflies in my stomach i took on one
of my most dreaded moments...
and PAST! OMG!
Seriously I have to thank you again Sarah!
all of these things couldn't have been achieved with out your wonderful advise
and your infectious go getter nature :)
Seriously changed my life and I really feel i can do anything!
As long as i remember to Breathe, and if i don't get it the first time, try again
and that i have already achieved something by just trying!
Well ladies there is so much to do and so little time...
off to start my Disposal of an Asset total thrill! :)
Hope you all had an amazing holidays (Sure you have Sarah!
can't wait to hear what it was like in the Big apple!)
Hope your getting better Nic! (HUGS)
hope you all have an awesome 4th term, must endeavour to catch up soon!
Sending you all loves and bubbles!
Thursday, 6 October 2011
welcome back nic
hi to all
the operation went well. they didnt have to fuse the bone or do a a bone craft, they still did major
surgery all is good
still cant drive four weeks
i shall be back at tafe
mum going to drop me off
hope sarah is having a great time in the states
sarah my wrist is okay to do work expericene on those thursday 9am to 3pm i was thinking i d like to do the post office as part of the work expericene , that should just right im only allowed to hold a cup of tea in that hand ,so i thinking the post office shall good, please call me i think the 18th oct is first aid ,which i ve done , i know its only two days before thursday so i hope it wont put under to much pressure to get it set up.i really dont want to come back next year and do the same course as the subjects are same , i need a job
aka miss nic............
Thursday, 15 September 2011
hi to all
next wed the 21th of sept going murdoch hospital
to have major surgery on wrist with a bone graft been done as well
i ll be in cast for six weeks so i may be in an out of tafe for those weeks
all is good and it will stop the pain ......
my life is full of surprizes
i shall be very brave and happy that something is being done
aka miss nic
next wed the 21th of sept going murdoch hospital
to have major surgery on wrist with a bone graft been done as well
i ll be in cast for six weeks so i may be in an out of tafe for those weeks
all is good and it will stop the pain ......
my life is full of surprizes
i shall be very brave and happy that something is being done
aka miss nic
Monday, 5 September 2011
hope this works
hi to all
when are those warm eveings are coming so we can walk along the beach
wrist is still sore but like everything you find a way to get through the pain
hey that was sad what happen in bunker bay about the young man being taken by the shark so sad may he rest in peace , he was so young
me and julian saw the chopper went past our house we had just got back from picking him up from bunbury i was getting the washing in
R. I. P young man
aka nic
Thursday, 1 September 2011
funny friday
Today is really strange ,the weather off wet and cold /sunny
where's the warm eveings so we walk along the beach i miss them Last Sunday was great
Serendipity is Sarah's favourtie word when an unexpected things happen or an opportunity may my way.I like that word to
Happy Fathers Day to Grandads ,Husbands.Partners,Uncles may you have a wonderfull day
aka nic
where's the warm eveings so we walk along the beach i miss them Last Sunday was great
Serendipity is Sarah's favourtie word when an unexpected things happen or an opportunity may my way.I like that word to
Happy Fathers Day to Grandads ,Husbands.Partners,Uncles may you have a wonderfull day
aka nic
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Hi to all
Well didnt get my movie last weekend
My wrist is playing up big time
Got to go perth on 8th sept to a specialist i think its going to be operation
Not good Jan
My Job hunting has stop for now the wrist is not stronge enough which is sad at the moment
But nevermind
life goes up and down like a rollercoaster
I got a lovely brand new second hand holden commodore silver automatic car....
I need a reliable car me and the child so no more breakdowns
i have a new haircut it feels good cant grow it anymore my hair wouldnt behave.
It was a big avchievement to grow that long because have thick hair and it gets very heavy
My wrist is hurting typing this but thats okay
I know every body looks forward to me blogging
aka miss nic...
My wrist is playing up big time
Got to go perth on 8th sept to a specialist i think its going to be operation
Not good Jan
My Job hunting has stop for now the wrist is not stronge enough which is sad at the moment
But nevermind
life goes up and down like a rollercoaster
I got a lovely brand new second hand holden commodore silver automatic car....
I need a reliable car me and the child so no more breakdowns
i have a new haircut it feels good cant grow it anymore my hair wouldnt behave.
It was a big avchievement to grow that long because have thick hair and it gets very heavy
My wrist is hurting typing this but thats okay
I know every body looks forward to me blogging
aka miss nic...
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Hello to all you lovely ladies!! :)
Well its been a while since I've been on here, good to see Sam and Nic going well and enjoying tafe. I am finding my course rather.. whats the word? Challenging I think would be most appropriate. Am enjoying it though and it's great having Renate around she always makes me laugh. I'm struggling a bit with it though at the moment as we have a huge assignment due this week and it's really hard! I'm just trying to get my way through it the best as I can, and whenever I'm finding myself stressing out I remember Sam's famous words - Breathe! Anyway I am at Tafe Thursdays and sometimes Tuesday afternoons. Got to start organising work placement soon too... It all makes me realise how easy we had it last semester! ;)
Hope you ladies are all well and enjoying everything you are doing. Missing you all and thinking of you all often. xx
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Gee's this week has gone so fast..
Im looking forward to this weekend going out to the movies to see Green Lanten with a friend and no its not a man ........
The Sun is out ...
Been applying for jobs no luck yet but it will change ........
got to go now chat soon
aka nic......
Im looking forward to this weekend going out to the movies to see Green Lanten with a friend and no its not a man ........
The Sun is out ...
Been applying for jobs no luck yet but it will change ........
got to go now chat soon
aka nic......
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Another Day in the life of Sam
Huge Hello Darling ladies!
Well if you have gotten into the swing of things or if you haven't,
Don't fret, life is one of those ever changing evolving things...
a life of it's
I seem to be playing catch up all week, not so much with homework but with all the other
things i love to do....
seems like my time management is sucking big time!
well at least all the ultra important things are done, just leaves me with the
feeling of
"had enough! time to switch off, have a cuddle and play with the kids"....
feeling of
"had enough! time to switch off, have a cuddle and play with the kids"....
so i think i have my main bases covered, but feeling a little sad as
my hobbies are suffering....
we'll just have to rethink how I'm going to do things,
my hobbies are suffering....
we'll just have to rethink how I'm going to do things,
time for a mind map! :)
Came across a wonderful quote in the movie
Sucker punch

If you don't stand for something,
you'll fall for anything...
Pretty much sums it up...don't you think?
I found this movie to shock me with an empowering message behind
all the fighting girls in really sexy
all the fighting girls in really sexy
the gist was summed up in the the opening and closing
You have the key to set yourself free...
You have all the weapons to fight for your life...
Now Fight!
I have to admit though, not a movie for the faint hearted or easily
i even found myself lost a while between the jumps of reality,
still this was almost a week since i had watched it and this quote has really stuck,
so worth my time :)
I really hope your all doing really well in your studies,
I know I'm having fun even if its just with numbers and computers...
I also admit i want to take a bath in paint when i get home...
just need some colour and Happy Happy Joy Joy to fill me up again :)
just need some colour and Happy Happy Joy Joy to fill me up again :)
I'm sure I'll get use to it :)
At least i can understand my Dad now when he talks business,
no more standing and just nodding my head with a blank smile :)
Well off to enjoy watching Justin Cook dinner and tell me all about it :)
Sending loads of Loves to you all!
Happy Homework! :)
Thursday, 11 August 2011
wrong dates
i just realize my dates are wrong on some of ny blogging sorry ...... just one of those things...,.
yeah its the weekend friday 11th August
Love the weekend
Get time to de clutter things
Take time out to relax and read a book
May have some good news soon
My wrist is not good to much pain need to go to perth have injections into the wrist not good ...but it needs to be done....
Hopefully we shall have lots of sunshine over the weekend....
have great weekend to everybody...
aka nic.......
Get time to de clutter things
Take time out to relax and read a book
May have some good news soon
My wrist is not good to much pain need to go to perth have injections into the wrist not good ...but it needs to be done....
Hopefully we shall have lots of sunshine over the weekend....
have great weekend to everybody...
aka nic.......
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
11 august 2011
hello to all
I shall try again today to blog
its good to see the sun today now that the rain has ease off for a while.
life is strange
we have are up and downs
we have are good days and bad days
be thankfull for what we have
take a risk
listern to your heart and mind
believe in yourself
trust your feelings
and never look back.
aka nic,.......................................................................
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Saturday, 6 August 2011
good to see the sun
Its been great to see the sun for a while even though where getting more rain......
Congrats to emma on your engagement.....
tafe is good...
watch Rango last night very good and funny.....must buy it.....
lost julians libaray card , julian has now just found the card thank you i dont have purchase a new one.......
i need my red book to keep all of my notes/passwords/ideas for a new blog/.....
just trying to remember things is hard ......
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
welcome back nic 3rd August 2011
hello to all .......
Wow it good to be back at tafe . we had some huge storms these last couple of days .....
I had the SES GUYS out last thursday and the FIRE PEOPLE as well, the storm did damage to the poles outside my house i had electric sparks coming out and hitting the ground it was exciting ...
My son was enjoyed it,I on the other hand was a bit worried for us but all was fix up ......... wow weve just had some thunder just a minute ago we must be in for some more storm again.. gees the weather dosent know what to do at the moment one minute its windy/raining/lighting/thundering/gale force winds.I thought i could hang up my washing outside it was sunny when the CHILD left for school,but thats okay i can go to mums and put it upher undercover area......hey sarah im back.................cant think of any poems at the moment but as time goes bye something will come up...aka Nic........
Saturday, 30 July 2011
hey stranger
Hi Sam, so good to hear from you.
l don't know about hang onto your hats it's going to be a bumpy ride, l was thinking more like where have you been this is the real world. Oh that doesn't mean just you Sam l mean um that feels like me and perhaps some of the other ladies feel that.
Emma and l started Tafe Thursday and yeah it was quite serious. We were given our first assessments which have a completion date and reading material for next week. So yeah NOW was very kind to us but just what we needed to get us to this point. I look back at NOW with very
fond memories.
I have been looking at this learning experience as not so much about what l am learning as such but more for me at this time as to what l am learning about myself. And that is perfect for where lam at.
We will have to work it out between us to catch up as we are all moving around at different times. How about you Nic when are you at Tafe?
Hope we can catch up , congratulations Sam on such a positive start.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Hold on to Your Hats ladies; It's going to be a Bumpy ride!
Huge Hello Lovely Ladies!
Well after a long and very full holidays
I welcomed back routine and TAFE
Little did I know what awaited me on the first day?
Can you believe I complete two assessments and Homework!
Now I sure you would love the homework reading chapter two (page 18-55)
Of Accounts to trail balance before next day class!
OMG! How easy was Sarah on us!
LOL! I have to say my relaxing and coping with stress techniques help me
From hyper ventaling and passing out on the
No seriously with doing the NOW I would have been in very big doo,
I found myself using my new found learning style,
{Reading out loud, taking notes, and reading more}
Helped me so so much!
Along with Lots of Deep yoga
Funny enough next day at TAFE No one had read the chapter and I was the one whom
Heard or read notes from the class stating this homework?
Also was very comfortable in the computer room sitting at the same computer
Missing my Ladies! Miss the sound of Emma speed typing, Hannah’s
Ooos and arr over the computer and
Renata and Tina Chatting over the silly computer book J
With Nicole and Jas somewhere in the background.
Missing you all so much!
This could be why I’m getting all my work done?!
Sarah! Darling you’re a legend! And I am so grateful for the tools you
Have giving me, even though I watch the other ladies and one boy in our
Course freak out over the work that is handed to us, I feel very confident
That I will be able to learn and complete my tasks
Even in the Manual side of things I thought I would struggle
But so far, I have been able to grasp what I’ doing and taking loads of notes and written examples
And these are working a charm and adding to my confidence,
I really hope I do bump into all of your ladies at TAFE,
I’m looking forward to Monday afternoon!
I have Sarah for a class, it’s going to be hard not to jump up and give her a Hug!
He he! Just have to sit there with a silly grin!
Be lovely to see her J
Well I’m now going to start my Word homework and surprise surprise
With technology these days our Word and other assessments such as MYBO
Are sent through Moodle, an online student forum sort of
Wow don’t I sound all high
I know Hannah & Tina have started their course today...
I’m at TAFE Monday afternoons and full day Tuesday and Wednesday
So if you’re at Tafe let me know!
I’m thinking an hour a day of homework, will keep me on top of things J
Also my driving lessons are going really well, been driving on the bypass!
85km! OMG! Freak Out! Loll
Hope your all doing super well and
A HUGE Congrats to Emma! All Engaged! WOOT WOOT!
Keep smiling and enjoy the simple moments J
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
hi everyone sorry i have not been on for a while ive been busy and took some time the photos of our day out in busselton great pics sam.......
hope to see at college soon.......
love nic.......
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Hi Guys, hope all of you are good?
thanks Sarah for your words of wisdom. It is true to say there is a lot of experience in those years and with every experience comes something learned. I feel this inner confidence that l do know what i am doing and nothing can really dampen that. It's an assurance could l say?
I am SURE that is what is referred to as "women's wisdom".
Last weekend my daughter and l went up to Perth to see Wicked. I don't want to say to much because l know Sarah is off to see it in The Big Apple but l will say it was Fabulous ,absolutely Fabulous and l would love to be able to see it again. l am SURE it would be better again and again.
Sarah a little suggestion why don't you see the Australian version and then the Broadway version. l promise it won't take away anything from your NY experience.Go on.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but every where l turn lately it's all about NY. It's everywhere.
So it's been wet,and we are just soaking up all that lovely rain. I know some of you hate it but it is after all winter and you don't want to live in a drought do you? But cold, oh my god l have layers and layers on. I also like that to as it reminds me of Melb.
But alas l have spent most of this 2nd week curled up in bed nursing myself back to health from the dreaded cold l caught whilst in Perth, blah ah. Lots of honey and lemon drinks and home made chicken soup. Must be better for next week to start Tafe again.
l hope everyone is looking forward to their new beginnings.Maybe we will all bump into each other.
Once again l hope you are all good.
thanks Sarah for your words of wisdom. It is true to say there is a lot of experience in those years and with every experience comes something learned. I feel this inner confidence that l do know what i am doing and nothing can really dampen that. It's an assurance could l say?
I am SURE that is what is referred to as "women's wisdom".
Last weekend my daughter and l went up to Perth to see Wicked. I don't want to say to much because l know Sarah is off to see it in The Big Apple but l will say it was Fabulous ,absolutely Fabulous and l would love to be able to see it again. l am SURE it would be better again and again.
Sarah a little suggestion why don't you see the Australian version and then the Broadway version. l promise it won't take away anything from your NY experience.Go on.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but every where l turn lately it's all about NY. It's everywhere.
So it's been wet,and we are just soaking up all that lovely rain. I know some of you hate it but it is after all winter and you don't want to live in a drought do you? But cold, oh my god l have layers and layers on. I also like that to as it reminds me of Melb.
But alas l have spent most of this 2nd week curled up in bed nursing myself back to health from the dreaded cold l caught whilst in Perth, blah ah. Lots of honey and lemon drinks and home made chicken soup. Must be better for next week to start Tafe again.
l hope everyone is looking forward to their new beginnings.Maybe we will all bump into each other.
Once again l hope you are all good.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Our Visions...
Huge Hello Lovely ladies,
i thought i better pop these up to share with the Great WWW
of our Vision boards,
Seriously after looking back at my close ups i must have had the wrong
setting and that dam fluorescent light!
Any way this is how we remember our paths and
what makes us look forward into our bright futures!
First up is the stunning work by budding Pop Artist Hannah
I love Hannah's colour combo! Like a slap in the face! *pay attention*
I'm here and I'm me! this is what i got to say!
love how Hannah's also used the mirrors! totally inspiring!
Also wanted to share this cool pic of Hannah!
Rap gangsta Diva! :)
Next we have our Artist Renata with her Stunning painting
Oh i still can't get over the lovely textures achieved in this painting!
seriously lovely!
Next is Artist Jasmine's Sculptor , totally perfect for Jas, as we all well know
she is utterly an outdoorsy love .
I only wish my setting were right on the camera, cause the details in the
objects are just so right, Jas is a very clever love in how she created her vision board.
Next we have collage Artist Tina
with this breathtaking creations
Honestly Tina is just amazing! How clever is this concept!
each door opening to her loves and ambitions
and the one window that is blocked off to hold in the fears,
So clever and inspirational!
Next we have another collage artist Jen
with this colourful creation
Jen has really worked wonders with this canvas, really capturing her moments of happiness
and her different textures are so JOY!
Next Art work is an utter Jaw dropping Stunner!
Concept and collective ideas by Concept Arts Sarah!
Paint by her very talented Daughter In Law
How incredible is the detail in this painting!
the hand written words! OMG! if only i had such a steady hand!
and the colours are so vibrate and alive, you can't help but feel in awe of this painting.
Next we have our Collage artist Emma Art work
{Work in progress}
I'm loven the concept of this creation, as all things grow, so do we :)
Nic! I'm so sorry darling, i have search my camera and files but it seems that i didn't
capture and pic of your journal!
please could you take a pic and upload for us, if your able too.
lastly we have my mess on a
i really enjoyed focusing on myself and what makes me happy and motivates me
i really think that these vision boards helped up to focus on these accepts of our selves that ll too often are pushed aside and not dealt with
i will find that i would like to create more vision boards as time goes on and i create new goals
and as many of you had mentioned, my visual diary will be forever growing :)
Missing you all!
hope your all doing well
Laugh often
Love more
Live well
Sunday, 17 July 2011
A special Birthday, a full moon and wonderful memories
Welcome to the special club of sagacious women Renate. I think that when you reach 50 you have earned lots of street cred and NOW you can have fun with it. Instead of feeling old you can feel energised. There is personal power in reaching 50 and I know Renate you are using it. Wonderful Art, an exciting new pathway with Community Service and ….. Well how is that full moon? We have had quite the most interesting week in ages. Journeys ended for one, several plans coming through and a fabulous new front yard created with left over stone.Speaking of fabulous has anybody not smiled at Sam’s pictorial of our most wonderful day. It was Tina’s idea to go to the Community Centre but I certainly didn’t expect to be so charmed by the whole concept of the place. From the strutting fat wobbly pigeons to the ‘foodies’ seeking new tastes and smells, Sam captured it perfectly.
The Tea rooms with the ‘award winning cake’ – I will just say though after looking at my photo I am starting with the personal trainer next week.
I didn’t think we were going to walk to the end of the Jetty when we started but then it became an adventure. Totally unexpected balmy day with the wonderful man that grew garlic and fished for his own dinner along the way as well as the history of this amazing jetty. Then to be able to go down into the observatory the way we did.
How often does everything just fall into place so perfectly - a memory for ever captured on film by Sam – our very own creative director.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Good morning ladies,
well it,s official time does not stand still. Yesterday l reached that l can't imagine ever being 50 mark. Yes l am now a middle aged women. O.K with that comes a sense of achievement, an inner wisdom only acquired through years and years of mistakes and actually as l sit here NOW a sense of pride. But alas there goes that faultless complexion,that carefree attitude that comes with knowing you have got years before you turn 50 and of course should l eat that because you know your metabolism car,nt burn it off anymore.
I did have a day very much like any other although every day you don't get a beautiful bunch of flowers delivered to your door in a taxi. l wish l could send you an imagine but alas l still haven't mastered that. But imagine if you will the most stunning arrangement filled with a collection of all flowers. Orchids, roses, lily,irises and many others. It's such a joy to receive flowers. Also was given Italian Food Safari cook book, yeah. When my family give me cook books l know it's because they know l love them, but also because they know l will cook from them for THEM.
It wasn't really just another day because off to lunch we went. Providore was our place of choice. It's connected with the Margret River Choc place. They cook with alot of what grows in their veggie garden and what is in season. Our lunches were delicious and so was my fig and candied walnut pudding with butterscotch sauce.Yum, yum.
L had to take off to the beach with Tilly after that to walk off and help digest my lunch.
So l am 50 NOW as we speak and there is this sense of unknowing but with that is a feeling of new beginnings.
Oh by the way if anyone is feeling a bit tense this week (like me) take note that a full moon approaches and also several planets are banging heads. So word of advice is think before you speak, don't take things to personally and if someone is withdrawing give them space. Glad l read that at the beginning of the week so as l did'nt rip everyones head off.
So l am off for b/fast now. Where is Nic she is not blogging?
Cheers Renate
well it,s official time does not stand still. Yesterday l reached that l can't imagine ever being 50 mark. Yes l am now a middle aged women. O.K with that comes a sense of achievement, an inner wisdom only acquired through years and years of mistakes and actually as l sit here NOW a sense of pride. But alas there goes that faultless complexion,that carefree attitude that comes with knowing you have got years before you turn 50 and of course should l eat that because you know your metabolism car,nt burn it off anymore.
I did have a day very much like any other although every day you don't get a beautiful bunch of flowers delivered to your door in a taxi. l wish l could send you an imagine but alas l still haven't mastered that. But imagine if you will the most stunning arrangement filled with a collection of all flowers. Orchids, roses, lily,irises and many others. It's such a joy to receive flowers. Also was given Italian Food Safari cook book, yeah. When my family give me cook books l know it's because they know l love them, but also because they know l will cook from them for THEM.
It wasn't really just another day because off to lunch we went. Providore was our place of choice. It's connected with the Margret River Choc place. They cook with alot of what grows in their veggie garden and what is in season. Our lunches were delicious and so was my fig and candied walnut pudding with butterscotch sauce.Yum, yum.
L had to take off to the beach with Tilly after that to walk off and help digest my lunch.
So l am 50 NOW as we speak and there is this sense of unknowing but with that is a feeling of new beginnings.
Oh by the way if anyone is feeling a bit tense this week (like me) take note that a full moon approaches and also several planets are banging heads. So word of advice is think before you speak, don't take things to personally and if someone is withdrawing give them space. Glad l read that at the beginning of the week so as l did'nt rip everyones head off.
So l am off for b/fast now. Where is Nic she is not blogging?
Cheers Renate
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Hi Ladies!! :).
Wow I just looked through the photos of our excursion that Sam has put up and I must say what an awesome job she has done. Thank you Sam it was lovely to look through them and be reminded of the lovely day we all shared.
I have a photo of us all at the tearooms which I will put up soon, just got to get some photos loaded off my camera and onto the computer.
Thanks Renate, I really enjoyed the movie last week too, very funny and enjoyable and was really nice for us to get together.. if any of you haven't seen Bridesmaids go and see it, definately worth a watch :). And yes I do have some news to share.. I got engaged the weekend after Tafe finished!!! Feeling really happy and very excited about that!!! :D
Hope you ladies are all well, miss seeing all your lovely faces and having our warm chats. It feels strange not being at Tafe too, I am actually finding it hard sometimes looking for things to fill in my time! But I'm sure the school holidays will keep me busy and looking forward to starting my Community Services course in a few weeks.
Thinking of you all and hope everyone is keeping well and warm! Maybe we could organise another get together soon maybe over the school holidays? What does everyone think?
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
I am a lady and i like to do lady things.
Huge Hello Everyone
So sorry this post has taking so darn long to get out, but i have been a little stressed
and getting tied in knots over things that really don't matter..
so i do admit looking back on these photos really gave me
the warm and fuzzies
OMG! i really LOVE spending time with these ladies and
what a highlight to the whole semester!
First we stopped at the Community Gardens
I've got to say the first thing that hit me at the gardens was the wonderful smells!
but i think i will just show you photos to really let you have a feel for the place....
Meeted and greeted, haven the low down of the place
Emma, looking as excited as me!...hehe
Sarah marveling at the lush plant life :)
Tina giving the thumbs up for the delish herbs!
Nic and Emma wondering....What do they feed those massive Pigeons??
Over flowing with yummy produce!
they hold markets every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month,
The Foodies getting into another Herb!
So many different little discoveries to find in this wonderful gardens
from painting, sculptures, playgrounds and more!
Yep, it's time for a coffee, hey girls?!
Next stop was the Old Post Office Tea Rooms
If there is one place to really feel like a lady it's this lovely Tea room!
between the lovely Cakes on offer and the unbelievable arrange of Teas
you really feel like lifting your finger when you take your first sip of tea,
the homey feel of the in house seats or alfresco style seating is just divine!
splashed with Art and Good nature fun this was a pure delight!
Sadly i was in the wrong position with that darn window!
First lesson in taking photos, always have the sun behind light up your subjects..
thanks to photo shop i just got Art with the levels so i could see every ones face :)
Me, Being!
Check out the indulgence...mmmm Bannoffee!.....mmmmmm
this slice of heaven was created by an award winning pastry chef!...seriously!
Now hows this for sweet! set with a little pot to brew your tea and a little timer to
know just when to start pouring, along with the cute little bottle of milk!
if i wasn't such a die hard coffee freak i would have had a
After this lovely Morning tea we strolled around the Courthouse to be inspired by the
Art work and a little freaked out by the old jail cells....
Bit of a contrast in photos...light and dark, but what a fluke of a photo of the courthouse
the skies were just perfect for that moment....
We crossed the road soon after to visit Art Geo and after being
over inspired by the Art work we ventured down to Busselton Jetty!
this is where the fork in the road come for some,
as we had some of us whom were ready for lunch and other of us whom
just wanted to just get out there, so off we went
and enjoyed the sunshine no matter which path we took...
the Skies were just Amazing! and i really feel this Jetty Walk was the high light of the
whole day!
Feeling the senses of satisfaction of walking the whole jetty and back was awesome!
with little treasures of knowledge to find along the Jetty as well
as the fresh air and sun totally perfect!...
Now this is where I'll leave the post, open to world at how ladies like to do ladies things...
which could be absolutely anything! :)
Thank you for a Fantastic Day Ladies!
this is one I'll never forget!
Monday, 4 July 2011
What's happening Here and Now?
Good morning everyone or anyone (whatever the case maybe).
So up early this morning as no-one could find anything.Good time to check out the blog. Have time and mind is fresh.
Well whats happening Here and Now for me right now is lam feeling pretty good.
Yesterday the sun was out so took my little dog Tilly to her favorite spot. If she could speak and you asked where do you want to go she would say " the beach, the beach". She has so much fun hopping the rocks effortlessly and chasing seagulls almost as fast as they fly.
I did see something really special. This guy was fishing and about 10-15 feet away was this magestic pelican. He aws standing on the edge of the rocks just watching. It was surreal you could say they looked like mates waiting patiently for the fish.
I love going to the beach when you are rugged up but the sun is warm. It's so refreshing.
Iam feeling pretty good about my cooking too. Iam really enjoying doing it and l must say it taste good so lam enjoying eating it to.
We hired a treadmill and lam jogging (slowly) on that and l must say l feel like it's really clearing away the cobwebs and getting those endorfins going. Maybe thats why l feel good?
Clearing away clutter to. We are having a garage sale on this weekend coming. I hope l can find homes for alot of unused things?
Hey girls keep up the blogging.
Chow for NOW.
Friday, 1 July 2011
So the first week after class has gone and as Renate said the rain and wind provides the right time to cocoon at home in front of the fire.
Our last Friday was a flurry with missing classrooms, closing interviews, all the paperwork to be completed and things to be organized. Finally we got to relax and sit down for our last meal together and then at last the Project presentation that everyone had been collecting ideas, writing in their journal and discussing for the last few months.
I will try not to sound too sentimental but it was a wonderful experience. Everyone of you conveyed a belief in yourself in not only what you had painted, created, constructed and written, but also in the way you conveyed this belief and confidence to both the group and the Art students who became our audience. Is it too patronising to express a pride in what had taken place over the last 6 months? I will speak only for myself. I love the concept of lifelong learning where every day can add to the richness of your life. It confirms to me that through whatever nature or nurture gives us, skills and talents can be continuously added to. That desire to be curious, inquiring, aware, interested and involved was part of what made the semester rocket along.
And then it was over - we had finished our while together and it was time for everyone now to leave. You had all completed what you set out to do and you had done it well. Keep posting thoughts, observations, photos and memories so those who come to the future NOW courses will know what they can achieve.
Just in case you forget my little set of mantras here they are again.
Respond not react – it will make your life so much easier. Try to find the positives and not focus on the negatives and most importantly just ….. BREATHE …..
Our last Friday was a flurry with missing classrooms, closing interviews, all the paperwork to be completed and things to be organized. Finally we got to relax and sit down for our last meal together and then at last the Project presentation that everyone had been collecting ideas, writing in their journal and discussing for the last few months.
I will try not to sound too sentimental but it was a wonderful experience. Everyone of you conveyed a belief in yourself in not only what you had painted, created, constructed and written, but also in the way you conveyed this belief and confidence to both the group and the Art students who became our audience. Is it too patronising to express a pride in what had taken place over the last 6 months? I will speak only for myself. I love the concept of lifelong learning where every day can add to the richness of your life. It confirms to me that through whatever nature or nurture gives us, skills and talents can be continuously added to. That desire to be curious, inquiring, aware, interested and involved was part of what made the semester rocket along.
And then it was over - we had finished our while together and it was time for everyone now to leave. You had all completed what you set out to do and you had done it well. Keep posting thoughts, observations, photos and memories so those who come to the future NOW courses will know what they can achieve.
Just in case you forget my little set of mantras here they are again.
Respond not react – it will make your life so much easier. Try to find the positives and not focus on the negatives and most importantly just ….. BREATHE …..
"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people.
I thought, "This is what it is to be happy."
It's raining it's pouring
Hello to whoever is tuning in.
What a wild and wonderful week it's been. Enjoying all this rain so much, it's needed everywhere. So l could stay inside no excuse needed and just potter. Have cayght up on domestic duties and have had the stove cranking with yummy tucker. Sometimes l feel like the ultimate domestic goddess.
Did manage to get out one day. A few of us girls from Tafe met at the the movies to see Bridesmaids. It was very funny and often OMG their not going to do that? I'm glad we made the effort and Emma had some good news to. Keep in touch everyone.
Hey Sam never do what Renate does as it's often not the way to go.
Anyway enjoy your weekend stay safe and keep warm .
What a wild and wonderful week it's been. Enjoying all this rain so much, it's needed everywhere. So l could stay inside no excuse needed and just potter. Have cayght up on domestic duties and have had the stove cranking with yummy tucker. Sometimes l feel like the ultimate domestic goddess.
Did manage to get out one day. A few of us girls from Tafe met at the the movies to see Bridesmaids. It was very funny and often OMG their not going to do that? I'm glad we made the effort and Emma had some good news to. Keep in touch everyone.
Hey Sam never do what Renate does as it's often not the way to go.
Anyway enjoy your weekend stay safe and keep warm .
Monday, 27 June 2011
Should of... Could of...... Would of.....
Huge Hello Everyone!
Well it's now Tuesday, I'm already feeling a little at a loss
i should be going to TAFE and have a little chat with Hannah and seeing if i
can try keeping up with Emma's touch Typing speed...hehe
Seriously FAST!
But alas i'm at home, Lockie is playing some pretend game with his soft toys and Justin is well Got to love
I Understand i should be finishing my post of our excursion and i could start on our last
day at TAFE together
but i'm going with Renatas way of thinking, if i don't want to i wont....
well just not right
I did practice my stress relief on Sunday,
House was a mess, kids crawling up the walls and Justin trying not to smoke and
I some how was going to get i don't think so!
so i just thought thats it!
I'm out of here!
So grabed my walking shoes and bag and walked all the way down to the Beach
and what a fantastic feeling!
Moments like this are priceless and totally free!
best part of my whole weekend!
Happiness is what Happiness does
Oh and if you want a lovely movie to watch "Letter to Juliet"
OMG! what a sweet movie! seriously i've been hanging out to watch this and it was worth it!
So sending all my Warm Happiness wishes out to the ladies!
I'm thinking of you!
And i will get my photos and other posts up...just not right now...hehe
Keep smiling and enjoy the simple moments :)
another nice writing i found for my journal :)
Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your piece of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!
Friday, 24 June 2011
just a short post
Thought l would just see if l could access the blog at home, WHOA l did it.
Sarah you would be proud of me.
Also wanted to say what a fabulous exhibition we had this afternoon with all our wonderful
projects which were actually artworks. I feel we all presented ourselves really truthfully.
Loved it, loved it
Enjoy your weekend, ta ta for NOW.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Last Day
So here we are on the last day of our course!! How fast the last 6 months have gone. And what a journey it has been. I feel like I have learnt and grown so much as a person.
Best of luck to you all with everything you are going on to do. I think you are all amazing women, going to miss all you lovely ladies very much!! And of course our awesome lecturer Sarah.
Take care, keep in touch and don’t forget to keep up with the blogging!!
Best of luck to you all with everything you are going on to do. I think you are all amazing women, going to miss all you lovely ladies very much!! And of course our awesome lecturer Sarah.
Take care, keep in touch and don’t forget to keep up with the blogging!!
La La La, La La La La , l just car'nt get you out of my head
And l don't want to . Went to Kylie on Wednesday nite . What a absolute professional she is. Loved everything about the show. Costumes were exciting, stage production was jaw dropping ,entertainment value was A1 and l could do it all over again. l have never been a huge Kylie fan but now l have a new found respect for her.
So today is our very last day of our NOW course. That went so quick.
l really am just starting to warm up and warm up to all us girls to. You know l could warble on and on about how sad this finale is but I'm not going to. l just want to say it's been a great experience , l have enjoyed meeting all girls immensely.
If your a women of any age sitting at home and need some direction in your life l recommend this course.
Today we are presenting our Vision boards/mind mapping projects . We have been working on these for a couple of months now .
This has presented great challenges for many of us. l,ve got butterflies running round my tummy in anticipation of whats going to be presented. l know each and every one is going to be beautiful.
I'm feeling a bit French at the moment so l will adjourn by saying Au voir mes amis
So today is our very last day of our NOW course. That went so quick.
l really am just starting to warm up and warm up to all us girls to. You know l could warble on and on about how sad this finale is but I'm not going to. l just want to say it's been a great experience , l have enjoyed meeting all girls immensely.
If your a women of any age sitting at home and need some direction in your life l recommend this course.
Today we are presenting our Vision boards/mind mapping projects . We have been working on these for a couple of months now .
This has presented great challenges for many of us. l,ve got butterflies running round my tummy in anticipation of whats going to be presented. l know each and every one is going to be beautiful.
I'm feeling a bit French at the moment so l will adjourn by saying Au voir mes amis
leaving Julian's School
As I left Julians School there was a gorgerous rainbow in the wetlands it just Awwww...........
Are class rooms were change around ....... NOT HAPPY JAN...........As Sarah says just breath......................................................................................................................................................................
I cackle with laughter today to cheer everybody up because of are computers are been very bad and having hick ups ......................
Aka Nic..........
Are class rooms were change around ....... NOT HAPPY JAN...........As Sarah says just breath......................................................................................................................................................................
I cackle with laughter today to cheer everybody up because of are computers are been very bad and having hick ups ......................
Aka Nic..........
Our last day at tafe
We have all pass the Now Course and it has finished .... Gees how time goes by so fast....
The Course has had alot great conversations and laughs......
farewell to all the students ........
keep up with the blogging
Good luck in all your new courses and jobs.........
May yours days be happy and exciting forever
In what ever you do.....
Remember to have a good laugh and have heaps of fun.............
To Sarah thanks for your help I look forward to the next six months with you we shall have a Ball
aka nic.......................
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Our class Outing to busselton
Wow we all had a great day............
The Gardens was good
The tea rooms was yummy....
The Art Geo was beautiful...
The Weather was wonderful no rain.............
The jetty walk was peacefull...waves splashing aganist the jetty....I didnt walk all the way but thats okay..........Thankyou to all .........
thankyou to all my birthday ,ve made my day...........
XMEN at the Movies ...... was unreal and exciting
Im going to see bridemaids this weekend....
then Transformers.......cant wait...I love my movies and dvds...
aka nic............
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Synergy – what is it? Stephen Covey defines it as ‘the ability to create more together with others than we can by ourselves – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’
For the first time I have really experienced the power of this idea of Synergy. Through the dynamics of these women there has been a desire to understand, challenge and grow into a united group that seems to be able to deal with things that as individuals they may have not. This Blog is where this Synergy can be documented.
There is NOW a place where each one of us can communicate what we feel, what we think, what makes us laugh and others can then read our posts and think and feel and smile along with it.
We have NOW become the first published authors of this blog, the start of an archive of the thoughts of the women who each year spend 6 months together at Busselton TAFE in the NOW course.
Positive group dynamics happen because of the active involvement of every individual. Really successful groups need personalities that energise and use their skills and talents to help us. Samantha is such a personality. Without her we would not have had the beautiful design of ‘There is no better place than here and NOW’ and her Blogging prowess and willingness to give advice and help has made the whole process a lot of fun. Thanks Sam.
As Renate says in her post: ‘how excited l get about the possibilities that await all of us. Many of us have found a direction that we didn’t have 6mths ago. It’s fabulous, really, really fabulous.’
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