Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Hello to those who have chosen to live in the NOW,

                                                               Congratulations is the first thing I want to send you
This journey is a challenging one, and confronting on many levels, but, if you really want to make a change in your life, to face up to what you want accomplish, then you have found the right portal/ tool.
 Sarah knows what she is talking about and you can trust her to guide you, question her the whole way if you choose to do so...I did, and I learnt more than I ever expected... NOW is an experience, and it should be embraced as such...I have been able to further my career and studies with a confidence and understanding that I would never have found in any other bridging course, my friendships, my realisations, my acceptance all came about because of NOW.... Thank you Sarah, Blessed be... Good luck and live for the NOW xoxox

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Hey there ladies!!

                                              I want to say that going on this adventure
with you all has been such a delight, before I started this course 
I was going no where fast, my confidence was low, I felt out of 
control, a victim of circumstance, afraid to step out of my comfort zone and I was unable to see a way out, let alone forward...
How things have changed!! I have learnt so much, and not just spread sheets, Haiku's and fractions... I've learnt about myself, my limits, my outlook and most importantly, my potential..
I have met some wonderful women, that I hope to stay in contact with, and I leave the course feeling confident, focused and able to embark on the next chapter of this fantastic gift that is my life...
I sincerely hope that more women open their lives to a  "New Opportunity" and that the special ladies of the NOW course 2013 embrace each and every moment of whichever path they choose...
Sarah, you truly are an inspirational, engaging, funny and so very insightful lecturer, I will miss enjoying the tears on Thursdays  thank you.. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Hello to the wonderful ladies of NOW, its so good to be back in the swing of things again, just thought I would drop a quick note because I can,

A step forward
no matter how small
is one taken in the right direction.

I know its not a Haiku, but I still love the simplicity..
Have a lovely day x0x

Thursday, 18 April 2013

A Lovely Walk Up The Busselton Jetty

Hope you all like the photo i took today :)
Have a lovely 2 week holiday ladies
Rach x

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Some simple words turned into a great statement
Thanks Tumblr 
Haiku Poetry

Trees can be very big
They produce a lot of shade
They are green and brown
By Rach

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Shaybies broken the ice!!

Hello to the lovely ladies of NOW,
 I would like to share this with you all, it has helped me in lots of different situations.. Hope it helps you smile xxx

When life gives you a
 hundred reasons to cry,
show the world you have
a thousand reasons to smile.

                                                                                                                      Thank you and have a beautiful day, from Shay

Monday, 8 April 2013

Welcome to our new posters as we connect with
what is happening right here and right now.
The blog is yours to post with whatever is on your mind – thoughts, inspirations, quotes, poems, insights – even household tips, all part of our  search for a rich and meaningful life.

So … take one of those slow, deep breaths and bring your awareness to this moment  … be present, connect with your thoughts and start writing as
 ‘There is no Better place than Here and Now’
Live life